Do I Need Special Tools or Products to Maintain My Results After a Dental Laser Cleaning?

Periodontal laser therapy is a dental procedure that uses a laser to access and remove inflamed gingival tissue from around the root of the tooth. This type of treatment is recommended by dentists to help prevent cavities and other problems caused by tartar buildup. Plaque, a sticky film of oral bacteria, can be removed through brushing and flossing, but tartar is a hardened plaque that requires more specialized tools for removal. Traditionally, metal scrapers are used during dental cleanings to remove tartar, but laser dentistry offers an alternative. Lasers are a less painful and more efficient option than the drills and tools used in traditional dental treatment procedures.

Laser dentistry involves the use of lasers for a wide range of dental procedures, including root canals. In periodontal laser therapy, the periodontist uses a laser to access and remove inflamed gingival tissue from around the root of the tooth. The laser can penetrate through soft and hard tissues, allowing the dentist to clean below the gum line without having to remove the gum tissues to expose the roots of the teeth. The use of laser dentistry to treat a variety of dental problems has been available on the market since 1989. After laser therapy, your postoperative care will be unique to your healing process and your dentist will give specific guidelines for you. After the first 24 hours of healing are complete, brush and floss adjacent teeth normally and gently clean the area where the laser was used with a swab dipped in Listerine. Your dentist will tell you how best to care for the site of your laser therapy treatment, as well as your entire mouth.

Recovery time and dental care after therapy will depend on several factors, such as the wavelength used in laser therapy treatment, the severity of the condition, and the state of health. A deep clean can help protect you against gum disease, and lasers make the process less complicated. To maintain your results after a dental laser cleaning, it is important to follow your dentist's instructions for postoperative care. This includes brushing and flossing regularly, as well as gently cleaning the area where the laser was used with a swab dipped in Listerine.

Roberta Lewitt
Roberta Lewitt

Devoted zombie nerd. Devoted web lover. Unapologetic zombie enthusiast. Typical travel specialist. Hipster-friendly social media aficionado.