Can You Eat After a Laser Dental Cleaning?

For the first three days after laser therapy, it is best to stick to a liquid diet to allow healing. This includes anything that can be put in a blender and consumed. For the first 24 hours after surgery, you may want to follow a liquid or soft food diet. Avoid spicy foods and things like French fries, popcorn, and pretzels to prevent irritating the surgery site.

Additionally, do not use straws for the next few days to avoid suction. Carefully avoid chewing food in the area where the laser was used to avoid interfering with the healing process. In periodontal laser therapy, the hygienist uses a laser to access and remove inflamed gingival tissue from around the root of the tooth. After the first 24 hours of healing are complete, brush and floss adjacent teeth normally and gently clean the area where the laser was used with a swab dipped in Listerine. At a nearby dental office, you can experience this technology based on emissions-based soft tissue laser emissions. Just make an appointment and we'll solve your dental problems with a face-to-face conversation about how laser gum surgery can change your life forever.

Roberta Lewitt
Roberta Lewitt

Devoted zombie nerd. Devoted web lover. Unapologetic zombie enthusiast. Typical travel specialist. Hipster-friendly social media aficionado.