Caring for Your Teeth After a Dental Laser Cleaning

After a dental laser cleaning, it is important to follow certain instructions to ensure your teeth remain healthy and strong. Eating soft, nutritious foods and avoiding hot, spicy, hard, sticky and crunchy foods is recommended. Additionally, brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing between your teeth at least once a day is essential. Rinsing your mouth with antimicrobial mouthwash can also help keep your teeth clean.

After the first 24 hours of healing are complete, you can brush and floss adjacent teeth normally and gently clean the area where the laser was used with a swab dipped in Listerine. Laser gum therapy is a procedure that uses lasers configured at specific wavelengths to sterilize harmful bacteria while eliminating dead or diseased gum tissue. The heat from the laser effectively sterilizes the treatment area, making complications such as bacterial infections rare. To preserve the positive effects of laser gum therapy treatment, it is important to keep up with ongoing routine professional and preventive dental care as well as home oral hygiene care. During the recovery period after laser gum therapy, patients should follow aftercare instructions and attend follow-up dental exams to track their healing progress and assess their periodontal disease status. By following these instructions, you can ensure that your teeth remain healthy and strong after a dental laser cleaning.

Roberta Lewitt
Roberta Lewitt

Devoted zombie nerd. Devoted web lover. Unapologetic zombie enthusiast. Typical travel specialist. Hipster-friendly social media aficionado.